Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
Twin Attacks in Norway
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
Nutrisi yang Cocok Saat Sedih, Bosan, Lelah dan Sensitif
Merry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth
Jakarta, Perubahan suasana hati alias mood sangat mempengaruhi aktivitas sehari-hari, terlebih lagi bagi wanita. Untuk mengatasi perubahan mood tersebut, makanan dengan nutrisi sehat dan tepat menjadi salah satu solusinya.
Dilansir dari Sheknows, Selasa (10/8/2010), berikut beberapa nutrisi yang tepat untuk mengatasi suasana hati:
1. Nutrisi saat sedang sedih
Ketika Anda sedang sedih, cobalah mengonsumsi makanan ringan yang rendah protein, rendah lemak tapi tinggi karbohidrat.
Alasannya karena ketika makanan tinggi karbohidrat tidak terhambat oleh protein atau lemak, maka asam amino triptophan akan meningkat di otak dan berubah menjadi serotonin, yaitu neurotransmiter yang menstimulasi suasana hati dan membatasi keinginan makan (carving).
Contohnya, popcorn, havermut polos dengan sedikit susu dan madu, serta bagel (sejenis donat) dengan irisan pisang.
2. Nutrisi saat sedang depresi
Perasaan terharu dan depresi bisa diredakan makanan yang kaya dengan omega-3, yang banyak ditemukan dalam lemak sehat yaitu lemak ikan, seperti salmon, herring dan tuna.
3. Nutrisi saat sedang bosan
Saat bosan, secangkir kopi dapat merangsang sistem saraf untuk tetap waspada dan lebih mudah berkonsentrasi. Namun, jangan membiasakan diri bergantung dengan kafein. Batasi diri untuk tidak mengonsumsi kopi lebih dari 3 cangkir (5 ons) sehari.
4. Nutrisi saat sedang sensitif atau mudah tersinggung
Ketika Anda sedang mudah tersinggung, seperti pada wanita yang sedang mengalami PMS (pre-menstruasi syndrome), cobalah makan dengan tidak lebih dari 5000 kalori dan mengandung lebih banyak mineral tembaga.
Contoh diet kaya tembaga antara lain ayam, pisang dan alpukat.
5. Nutrisi saat sedang kelelahan berat
Orang yang mudah merasa lelah sangat mungkin mengalami kekurangan zat besi atau anemia. Anemia adalah kekurangan gizi yang paling umum di dunia dan sangat umum di kalangan wanita usia subur.
Orang yang mengalami kondisi kelelahan sebaiknya banyak makan makanan yang kaya zat besi, seperti kacang, biji-bijian dan sayur-sayuran. Selain itu, zat besi juga banyak terkandung dalam udang, ikan, ayam tanpa kulit atau daging kalkun.(mer/ir)
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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
Motor Cycle Accident
1. Nice men are ugly
2. Handsome men are not nice
3. Handsome and nice men are gay
4. Handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married
5. Men who are not so handsome, but nice, have no money
6. Men who are not so handsome, but nice n with money, think we are only after their money
7. Handsome men without money are after our money
8. Handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough
9. Men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards
10. Somewhat handsome man, kinda nice and have some money, and thank God heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!
11. Men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.
hehehe... it just for fun.. No Offense..
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
on 14 July 1789 marked as the beginning of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient Regime.
Shortly thereafter, King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette took refuge in Versailles as the violent peasants pillaged and burned châteaux, and destroyed records of feudal dues—this reaction is known as the grande peur (great fear).
By capturing this symbol, the people signaled that the king's power was no longer absolute: power should be based on the Nation and be limited by a separation of powers.
Although the Bastille only held seven prisoners at the time of its capture, the storming of the prison was a symbol of liberty and the fight against oppression for all French citizens; like the Tricolore flag, it symbolized the Republic's three ideals: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all French citizens.
On the one-year anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, delegates from every region of France proclaimed their allegiance to a single national community during the Fête de la Fédération in Paris - the first time in history that a people had claimed their right to self-determination.
The French Revolution
The French Revolution had numerous causes which are greatly simplified and summarized here:
- Parliament wanted the king to share his absolute powers with an oligarchic parliament.
- Priests and other low-level religious figures wanted more money.
- Nobles also wanted to share some of the king's power.
- The middle class wanted the right to own land and to vote.
- The lower class were quite hostile in general and farmers were angry about tithes and feodal rights.
- Some historians claim that the revolutionaries were opposed to Catholicism more than to the king or the upper classes.
Sources :